Welcome Dr John McGrath!

Please welcome Dr.John McGrath who recently joined our R&D and environmental team and learn more about his scientific and environmental background:
"Before joining QMAG I have lived a broad professional and personal life rich in experiences. I was lucky enough to grow up in Paris and I inherited a love of landscapes, nature and the sky from years of driving around Europe and flying around the world as a young boy. Science, nature and the universe were my thing, and when I came back to Australia as an 11 year-old I became the youngest member of the Canberra Astronomical Society and spent many sub-zero early mornings looking at planets and deep sky objects. This is something I still do now, running regular astronomy tours in the Rockhampton region.
I fell in love with immunology and microbiology at the Australian National University where I worked on manufacturing an HIV vaccine for clinical trials. This was followed by a PhD at the University of Canberra and part of it at the University of Vienna. I spent all my free time exploring for and doing first descents of remote canyons in the Wollemi Wilderness section of the Blue Mountains, cross-country skiing the Australian Alps, and hard long-distance walks and mountaineering in Australia, France and New Zealand. I continued the vaccine development work at CQUniversity before following my real passion and working in and with nature.
In the last decade I have worked on Great Barrier Reef biosecurity, island management, mangrove, mud crab and fish surveys in the Gladstone region, wildlife management in Central Queensland specifically protected plants at coal seam gas and coal facilities, flying fox and crocodile management, and I have been a ranger and a Green Army Team Leader working on remote coastal restoration and marine debris projects in Byfield National Park. A highlight was 4 years working intimately with saltwater crocodiles, one of the world’s most dangerous animals, doing everything from nest raids, raising baby and juvenile crocodiles, feeding and catching large 4-5m crocodiles.
At every step I have loved what I do. I’m excited about my emissions reduction role with the engaged and positive people at QMAG, as the shift to Net Zero 2050 and carbon neutrality is incredibly challenging and involves marrying the best science with geopolitical constraints and practical and economic realities for industry. That we all have no choice to adapt and do better is a challenge that aligns with my values."
Welcome Belinda Housman!
Belinda joined QMAG in December 2023 as the HR Superintendent and has over 25 years experience working in the operational and strategic human resources space.
Congratulations Bou Toloi!
Bou recently started her new role with the procurement team at Parkhurst.
Welcome Donna Sanders!
Donna recently started with QMAG, as our Human Resources Administration Officer.
Congratulations Hayley Butler!
Hayley has had a recent role change, moving into the Administration role at Kunwarara.
Welcome Jamie Wells!
Jamie started as QMAG’s Executive Team Assistant in January and will be filling in until Rebecca Harris returns from maternity leave.
2024 Women in Mining and Resources Queensland Resources Awards
We are estatic to announce that our Shift Production Coordinator, Leticia Shields, has been named as a finalist in the Women in Mining and Resources Queensland (WIMARQ) Resources Awards for 2024.
Any remaining questions?
Just get in touch using the contact form and we’ll get back to you
as soon as we can.