From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 8 - In Pit Screening

To minimize the cost and energy of further processing and transport, we remove as much waste material from the ore as close as possible to where it is mined. This is the most logical step, given that the concentration of magnesite in our ore can be as low as 20-40%.

First, we screen the ore material with a portable screen. Haul trucks dump the ore close to the screen and the excavator loads the ore into the screen’s hopper. The screen then splits the material into three sizes:
1. ROs (Rocks, Oversized): nodules >65mm in size
2. RUs (Rocks, Undersized): nodules <65mm and >16mm in size
3. Waste: material that is <16mm in size (often sand, silt, and small
low-grade nodules)

A loader collects screened ROs and RUs and stockpiles by quality. Later, we load these materials onto road trains and transport them to the Kunwarara plant. At KG2 and OMS, we haul screened material with side-tipping road trains on internal roads. From Yaamba, we use B-Doubles to move material between sites via the Bruce Highway.
Generally, only 30-35% of the ore fed into a screen is retained as ROs or RUs. The remaining 65-70% is waste, that we return to a void to begin the backfill and rehabilitation process.

From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 10: Mineral Processing

By this stage, the ore has been mined from the ground, but it has a long way to go before it reaches your door.

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LinkedIn Community

We’re thrilled to announce that our LinkedIn community has reached an incredible milestone—5,000 followers!

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End of Year Message

A short end of the year message from our Managing Directors Brendon Pambid and Dr. Christoph Beyer

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From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 9 - Health & Safety

Safety is not a component of our business, rather safety is an outcome of business.

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EHS Notice - Falcon Update

The best EHS notice we could wish for

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