From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 5 - Environment, Rehabilitation and Cultural Considerations
Our industry has two important roles to play: providing resources and protecting our incredible natural environment.
Our Kunwarara mine and Parkhurst plant operate under Environmental Authorities which regulate the types of contaminants and volumes released during any one year. We complete annual reporting requirements around our environmental performance, in relation to the designated release requirements under the EAs.
Cultural heritage and stakeholder involvement is of great significance to QMAG, as are the Darumbal People, the Traditional Custodians of the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast area. Effective engagement and relationships with First Nations People is an integral part of successful operations. QMAG works with the Darumbal People and has done so since commencement of operations to preserve items of significance for the future. Currently QMAG is in negotiations to develop and implement a Cultural Heritage Management Plan which will help to direct our operations until the end of mining activities. QMAG values the land on which we operate. In the Rockhampton regional area, it’s common for land like the Kunwarara site to be cleared for cattle grazing. Our rehabilitation work post-mining will see most of the area returned to either grazing land or to the original woodland forest.

From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 11: Quality Control and R&D
QMAG’s commitment to quality is found throughout the various stages of production.
From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 10: Mineral Processing
By this stage, the ore has been mined from the ground, but it has a long way to go before it reaches your door.
LinkedIn Community
We’re thrilled to announce that our LinkedIn community has reached an incredible milestone—5,000 followers!
End of Year Message
A short end of the year message from our Managing Directors Brendon Pambid and Dr. Christoph Beyer
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