Congratulations Bou Toloi!

As part of our series on female colleagues in new roles at QMAG, in the lead up to the Women in Mining and Resources Queensland (WIMARQ) Awards 2024, please welcome Bou to our Parkhurst site for her new role in the procurement team.

Bou started with the company in July 2014 as a temporary Administration Officer at Kunwarara to fill in for maternity leave, moving into the role permanently in April 2015.

In this role Bou worked closely with many departments at Kunwarara, as well as Parkhurst, broadening her knowledge of the QMAG business.

Bou has over 20 years administration experience.

Moving from New Zealand to Australia, Bou & her family settled in Central QLD where they have lived for the last 10yrs.

Shipping Partner Visit - ANL

Read what QMag's Head of Supply Chain and Logistics Mark Christmas experienced during our recent trip to Japan

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Eastern Grey Kangaroos

Fauna and Flora at QMag's mine site with Dr John McGrath Part 3

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Welcome Yuehan Che!

QMAG Pty Limited would like to welcome our colleague Yuehan Che to our production sites in Parkhurst and Kunwarara.

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Kunwarara Mine 2023 Exploration Program

The Kunwarara Mine 2023 exploration program is well under way.

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Eastern Cattle Egret

Fauna and Flora at QMag's mine site with Dr John McGrath Part 2

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New Aerial Image of KG1 Mine Site

A new aerial image of our KG1 mine-site taken 3 weeks ago.

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